
I had my pre-op appointment today, which was supposed to be the “fun” implant shopping appointment. Well, that tissue damage I sustained in October reared its ugly head again today, making the appointment not so fun. Last time I saw my doctor about the damage, it was healing very well and was covered with a sterile bandage. Today, when the bandage was removed, there was a small area that had not healed, and is now basically a small hole.

Luckily, my surgeon is amazing, and she was immediately coming up with options for me to heal, have my surgery as scheduled, and keep on track with school. She removed some saline from the expander to help it heal, and then stitched up the tiny hole. My surgeon also told me I could text her a picture each day to make sure it is looking good. My friend was with me to hold my hand, and also to watch the whole thing (she’s a nursing student too so it was pretty cool she got to watch).

Now, I just keep an eye on it and hope/pray that it stays looking the way it looks today. Then, my exchange surgery will still take place on the 16th, but will be a little more complex of a surgery. She will remove the damaged area, and replace it with skin graft, and then continue with the exchange. The hope is that I can still get the implants in, just at a smaller size than my expanders are at now. The worst case scenario is that she can only put in the implant on the right side, and I keep the expander in the left until it is all healed. The good news is that even though it is a longer surgery than originally planned (4 hours) and I know I’ll have drains (boo), the recovery time is still exactly the same.

Please send vibes/prayers that everything goes as planned (with both implants placed), I can have the surgery on 12/16, and that I heal well!

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